Katie Price Reveals Kieran Hayler Bedded Her Pal Jane Poutney While She Was In Hospital

'Kieran Hayler Started His Affair While I Was In Hospital'

Katie Price has spoken out about her baby Jett’s traumatic birth, revealing that her husband Kieran Hayler bedded her pal Jane Poutney while she was in hospital.

The former glamour model, who is currently expecting her fifth child, went into labour early during a family holiday in France and her husband failed to rush to her side.

Katie Price

Speaking to The Sun, Katie reveals: “On the day Jett was born, Kieran came to visit me.

“But he was in a rush to go back to the villa and had already left when doctors suddenly burst into my room and told me, ‘You have ten minutes to prepare for an operation’.

“I quickly called Kieran and told him, ‘You’ve got to come back to the hospital’. He came back but wasn’t allowed in the operating theatre.

“I held my hand out to him as they were wheeling me in. It was like something out of a film.

“After the premature birth, they allowed me to hold Jett for a few seconds before whisking him away to intensive care to help his breathing.

“I begged them for longer and tried to explain that I’d previously suffered postnatal depression but no one seemed to understand me.

“I saw Kieran briefly in recovery where he showed me a picture of Jett. I was allowed to hold him for a further 30 seconds before he was taken away again and Kieran said, ‘I’m going now’.”

“I thought to myself, ‘What the hell is going on?’”

At the time, Katie had no idea that Kieran was having an affair with her close friend Jane.

When she did find out about his infidelity, Katie broke the news on Twitter, telling her followers that she was going to divorce Kieran.

Katie and Kieran Hayler in happier times

The holiday to France was intended as a fun and relaxing trip, however, Katie now knows that her husband had just began an intimate relationship with Jane.

“Now I know that the very night we were preparing to drive to France, Jane texted Kieran and asked to meet him in my cinema room while I was packing up my horse lorry with cases.

“That was when they kissed for the first time and their affair began.

During Katie’s time in hospital, the pair took their affair to the next level.

“I couldn’t reach Kieran on his phone and kept texting Jane asking her to tell Kieran to come and visit but she was not passing the messages on.

“Instead, she was telling him things like: ‘You’re just one of many. Katie will get rid of you soon’.”


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