Charlie Hunnam, who was originally cast as Christian Grey in the upcoming ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ film adaptation, has sung the praises of his replacement Jamie Dornan, claiming he’ll do a great job in the role.
It was first revealed that Charlie had been cast in the role of the S&M-obsessed business tycoon in September of last year, though he eventually had to step down from the part due to scheduling conflicts, which he’s now said was “pretty heartbreaking”.
Charlie Hunnam, who was originally cast as the leading man in 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'
According to the Associated Press, Charlie said: “I was just really, really invested and wanted to work with Sam [Taylor-Johnson] and play that character.”
However, he did say that - like the rest of the world - he’s looking forward to seeing what former Calvin Klein model Jamie Dornan brings to the role, adding: “[He’s] probably a lot better looking and a lot smoother [than me].
Jamie Dornan
The first official trailer for the film - which hits cinemas on Valentine’s Day of next year - is making its debut later this week, but if you can’t hold on till then Beyoncé has already posted a short teaser clip on her Instagram page.
Accompanied by a slowed-down rendition of her hit ‘Crazy In Love’, the steamy video shows the film’s leading couple unlocking a door together, and also displays - shock horror - some bare knees. Won’t somebody think of the children?!