Ugandans Defy Anti-Gay Laws In Brave Celebration Of Pride

13 Pictures Of Brave Ugandans Defying Anti-Gay Laws

Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Ugandans can face a barrage of discrimination and sometimes violence in their everyday lives, but scores of them turned out to march in a gay pride parade Saturday.

The gathering in the town of Entebbe was the first since a Ugandan court overturned an anti-gay law on a technicality.

Sponsors of the law, which called for jail terms up to life for people convicted of homosexuality, plan to reintroduce it later this month. Some attendees wore masks to conceal their identities.

But this parade was about daring to enjoy themselves and celebrating their measure of victory.

"We are a group of people who have suffered enough," said Ugandan lesbian activist Jacqueline Kasha. "We are Ugandans who have the right to gather in a public place ... and we are going to have fun."


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