Naomi Campbell Is About To Launch Her Own Fashion Label

Naomi Campbell Is About To Launch Her Own Fashion Label

Naomi Campbell has spent her career sauntering down the runway for every high fashion designer in the industry. Now she's launching a collection of her own.

In an exclusive interview with the MailOnline, the 44-year-old supermodel said: 'I've been approached by a few brands to design a line for them, it's something that interests me and I'm in negotiations.

"So I'll be sure to let you know as soon as I have an announcement to this space!"

Think women's apparel as well as accessories, swimwear and lingerie with Naomi's name on it.

Clearly the fashion star has taken a leaf out of her model BFF, Kate Moss' book and agreed to try her hand at design.

Campbell is everything that is iconic about the British fashion industry and she's got a serious eye for stunning, statement-making style so this venture has the potential to blow our minds. Let's just hope that her collections have price tags like the Kate x Topshop Spring/Summer 2014 capsule.

"I always had this feeling of, I love working with designers - I don't want to be their competition, and maybe if I do my own line they won't work with me anymore," she said.

"I see there's lots of things that are not there that I feel that I'd like to have, and so I'd like to share it with everybody. So yes, I will, and hopefully one of the things will be out by 2015."

LOVE NAOMI'S FLAWLESS GET-UP? Take a click through this gallery of photos and be prepared to have major wardrobe envy.


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