This Is Why You Don't Nap With A Baby Near Your Face

This Is Why You Don't Nap With A Baby Near Your Face

A mum who recently welcomed a baby boy was thrilled when he took to breastfeeding straight away. But when she left her husband alone with the newborn, she found that her son was a little too good at latching on.

Coming out of the shower, she found that her husband had dozed off (something most parents of a newborn will surely understand) and their son had taken the opportunity to reverse an old father-son joke and take his old man's nose.

In fact, for a month-old baby, he manages to get a remarkable amount of schnozz into his mouth, apparently without disturbing his exhausted dad, who continues to sleep soundly.

Mum rushed to grab the camera and posted the hilarious picture to Reddit, with the title 'How I found my 4 week old and my husband'.

She explained that her son is a 'champion' at nursing, and breastfed from birth - it appears that when left face-to-face with his dad, instinct took over. It must have been disappointing to get a mouthful of untrimmed hair rather than a delicious instant meal.

It might look cute, but the amused mum behind the funny snap revealed that letting an infant use your nose as a dummy has had an unfortunate consequence for her sleep-starved husband.

"Lets just say, his nose is STILL bright red. He's getting a bit tired of being called Rudolph," she commented on the site.
