Winter is fast approaching which means it's time to bring out the knee high boots and all the woolly layers you can handle.
But when it comes to shopping for those all-important new season boots, finding a pair that fit perfectly is no easy feat. So much so, that some women are actually having calf-reducing surgery so that they can wear the latest knee high boots.
Dr. Matthew Schulman, a board certified plastic surgeon based in New York's Upper East Side, has confirmed calf-reducing surgery is a growing trend - and FYI it involves having liposuction to remove fat from the calf area. Yikes.
"It's a tricky procedure, you're using microliposuction to take out very small amounts of fat" Schulman told ABC News.
The procedure takes between an hour and hour and half and the recovery time can be up to 10 months, though Dr. Schulman says most women are about 852C5177566432C5179684792C518158248&height=426&width=640&sid=577&origin=SOLR&responsive=false&relatedMode=2&relatedBottomHeight=60&companionPos=&hasCompanion=false&autoStart=false&colorPallet=23191919&shuffle=0&isAP=1">