This Woman Stopped A Dog Attacking Her Dog By Sticking Her Finger Up Its Bottom. No, Really.

This Woman Stopped A Dog Attacking Her Dog By Sticking Her Finger Up Its Bottom. No, Really.

And guess what? It worked.

When a Staffordshire bull terrier started to viciously attack Ann Bendouli's Jack Russell Lexie, she tried yelling, kicking and pulling the Staffy away - but all to no effect.

So the quick-thinking Melbourne resident had another idea.

"I lifted its tail and luckily I hadn't filed my nails," she explained to Australian news channel 7 News. "And I put it up its anal passage."

"I had to do something," she said. "And that's what came to me."

It did the trick - the Staffy immediately yowled and let go of the pup.

Remind us to try this next time we're faced with a vicious dog. Or, erm, not.


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