Islamic State Life Laid Bare As Brave Woman Wears Hidden Camera Under Her Niqab

Watch This Brave Woman Show What Life Under Islamic State Is Really Like

Heavily armed men dressed all in black; a little girl holding hands with her mother, who has an AK-47 casually slung over her shoulder and young women chattering in an internet cafe - this is life in the Syrian Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa.

A brave Syrian woman who wore a hidden camera under her niqab has given the world a rare glimpse into what it is like to live under the repressive regime in a bleak video, commissioned by France 2 and posted to YouTube.

At one heart-stopping point in the footage, the young woman is stopped by a man who demands she dress more appropriately because "God loves women who are covered", oblivious to the fact the anonymous woman is filming the entire encounter.

Another harrowing segment in the video shows fully covered women on Facebook, explaining to their loved ones via Skype why they will not be returning home.

“I'm not planning to come back mama,” a woman can be heard saying. “You have to get it into your head that I am never coming back.”


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