Matt Smith And Daisy Lowe's Nude Photos Leak Online: Former 'Doctor Who' Star Appears With Ex-Girlfriend In Leaked Naked Selfies

Matt And Daisy's Nude Photos Have Leaked

Leaked nude photos of Matt Smith and Daisy Lowe from when they were still a couple are currently doing the rounds online.

Around 20 intimate pictures of Daisy and the ‘Doctor Who’ actor in various poses, taken on their mobile phones before they ended their on-off relationship in 2013, have now been shared online, making them the latest victims of a photo hack.

Matt and Daisy in 2011

However, it’s not yet known if their leaked nude photos are part of the same a mass celebrity hack that occurred last month, which has so far seen Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian and Kelly Brook's stolen naked pictures.

While Jennifer did not speak out initially about the photo hacking personally, she finally addresses the subject in an interview in the latest issue Vanity Fair, lambasting the “sex crime” and hitting out at those who viewed the stolen images, saying: “Anybody who looked at those pictures, you’re perpetuating a sexual offence. You should cower with shame.”

Although the mass celebrity hack, one of the biggest of its kind, was initially thought to have just affected female stars, it had its first male victim earlier this week, when private photos of Hulk Hogan’s son Nick Hogan were leaked onto the Internet.

Meanwhile, it was reported last week that Marty Singer, a lawyer who represents a number of the victims was reportedly planning to sue Google, claiming that they had “made millions from the victimisation of women” and not done enough to prevent the stolen photos from being accessed.


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