Early Learning Centre
Early Learning Centre has revealed the toys predicted to be the best-sellers of Christmas 2014.
These toys are all in store now, so if you're super organised (and know your children won't change interests dramatically), you can buy now. And of course they'll also make great birthday presents.
Some toys have a traditional feel, like the wooden Rosebud Country Doll's House and the Big City Wooden Train Table, while others are distinctly modern in style, like the electronic cash register, with its chip and pin machine and the Fun-Key guitar, which comes complete with a hands free microphone - perfect for channeling your child's inner pop star.
Early Learning Centre toys are all designed to stimulate children's minds and allow them to learn while they play - so if you're buying for a grandchild, friend's child or family member you can rest assured they'll be a hit with parents as well as children.
They are made specifically to encourage children to push the boundaries of their imagination and creativity, while developing key skills such as hand to eye co-ordination and social skills such as co-operation.
So click through the gallery below to see the toys Early Learning Centre predicts will be top of children's letters to Father Christmas this year.
Or for more Christmas gift inspiration don't miss our round ups of Hamleys' top toys for Christmas 2014, Hasbro top toys for Christmas 2014 and the must-have toys of 2014.