Toddler Decides To Cut Off Hair To Help Sick Child With Cancer

This Kid Cut Off Her Hair To Help A Sick Child With Cancer

After seeing a picture of a young girl who had lost her hair to cancer, three-year-old Ariana was at a complete loss as to why it had happened.

Her father, Josh Smith and mother, who is a nurse, explained to Ariana that the little girl was bald because she had cancer.

After studying the picture for a moment, Ariana turned around and said: "Oh, she can have some of my hair". And that was that.

The couple booked their daughter a haircut at "mommy's hairdresser" and Ariana had 10 inches of hair cut off.

Her hair has since been donated to Locks of Love, a nonprofit organisation providing hair to financially disadvantaged children suffering from medical hair loss.

Ariana's father, 33, told Buzzfeed that his daughter was close to two older people with cancer. But when she saw the little girl, she had a hard time understanding that children can suffer from it too.

“When she offered to donate her hair to the little girl, we just kind of accepted and encouraged it,” Smith said.

In fact, she was so excited that it's all she would talk about for days leading up to it.

And she was super pleased with her new 'do after the haircut too. Her dad said she even sang a song about it on the way home: “I like it, I love it, I really really looove it.”

He added: “I’d like to think she did it because she had an understanding that she had something another person did not, and it’s the right thing to do.”

[H/T Buzzfeed]
