A 'mysterious' press release claiming to announce Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 2 has sent the internet into overdrive.
It's a fake.
The obviously inept press release claims that the game would take place seven years after the original San Andreas game, and feature the same voice actor in the lead part.
Unfortunately the game doesn't exist. It's the work, it seems, of a recent but notoriously rubbish gaming website.

The press release is below for your perusal, scorn and eventual dismay.
"NEW YORK, NY – Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 2 has finally been confirmed this week after Rockstar made the surprising announcement at the Playstation Experience event in Las Vegas, the day after The Game Awards. The game will take place in 1999, 7 years after the events of San Andreas. CJ will return as the main character, again being voiced by DJ Pooh.
During a brief gameplay demonstration shown to a select few journalists at the event, single player mode was shown off on the Playstation 4 console. Several elements that players will be making a return.
Like the first game, players can eat at Cluckin’ Bell and get fat, then work it all off at the gym and put on some muscle. With next gen graphics the results can be humorous and disturbing at the same time.
Players can again recruit and lead members of their gang to aid in crimes, or just to hang out and shoot some hoops. This time around, basketball games can be played for money. If you lose and decide not to pay up, your gang members may turn on you.
Several celebrities will voice characters in the game including rappers Kendrick Lamar, Schoolboy Q, Ice Cube, and actors such as Kevin Hart, Larenz Tate, and Mike Epps.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 2 is set to arrive on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2016"