A Man's Relationship With His Mother Could Cause Erectile Dysfunction, Research Suggets

Is Your Mother The Real Cause Of Your Erectile Dysfunction?

Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) may find the cause of their problem is closer to home than they expect.

New research suggests males who had a strained relationship with their mothers during childhood may be more likely to experience sexual issues as an adult.

The study, conducted by the Charles University in Prague and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, questioned 960 men aged between 15 and 88 on their sexual habits.

Researchers found that "psychogenic factors" - when physical illness stems from an emotional stress - may be a key cause of ED.

It went on to suggest that men who experienced emotional issues (such as a strained relationship with a parent) during their formative years often went on to suffer physical issues regarding sex later in life.

Additionally saying "I love you" later in life was linked to men experiencing problems in the bedroom.

"The association of poorer current sexual function with (historical) older age at first being in love might suggest some enduring conflict regarding sexuality and/or intimacy," the study concludes.

Although this study suggests ED is often psychological, previous research has suggested the issue stems from physical illness.

Gout has been listed as a cause of ED, as has heart disease and diet.

Previously speaking to HuffPost Post50, Dr. Mehdi Shishehbor, a cardiology specialist at Cleveland Clinic, said: "As you age and if you don’t take care of your risk factors - if you smoke, don’t eat healthy, don’t control your blood pressure - those things can lead to the same process that leads to blockages in the heart and can cause blockages in the penis."

The NHS suggest that all men visit their GP if they experience ED for more than a few weeks, as it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue.
