Redacted Pages Of Official 9/11 Report Could Be Declassified

Obama Under Pressure To Declassify Redacted Pages Of 9/11 Report

NEW YORK -- President Obama is under pressure from a bi-partisan group in Congress that is demanding the infamous 28 pages of redactions in the official 9/11 report be declassified.

Former Senator Bob Graham, who penned the report into the attacks in 2001, has joined a growing chorus of voices demanding the redacted pages, which detail links between the terrorists and the Saudi Arabian government, be made public.

Entitled the Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001, the original report was published in December 2002, however President Bush demanded that 28 pages of the 828-page dossier were blacked out in an effort to protect America’s relationship with the Saudis.

The north tower of the World Trade Center burns after s hijacked airplane hit it September 11, 2001 in New York City

Speaking to ABC News, Democratic Graham said on Wednesday: "The 28 pages primarily relate to who financed 9/11 and they point a very strong finger at Saudi Arabia as being the principal financier. The position of the United States government has been to protect Saudi Arabia.

"At virtually every step of the judicial process, when the United States government was called upon to take a position, it has been a position adverse to the interests of United States citizens seeking justice and protective of the government which, in my judgment, was the most responsible for that network of support."

Graham, along with fellow Democrat Stephen Lynch and Republican Walter Jones, are now pushing for legislation forcing Obama to declassify the documents. Should a link between Saudi Arabia and the attackers be revealed, families of the victims could sue the Saudi Kingdom through the American courts.

Reported by ABC News, Terry Strada, of the group 9/11 Families United for Justice, whose husband died in the attack, demanded the pages be published. She said: "Where is the outrage, I want to know that Saudi Arabia, a country, our supposed ally, not only bankrolled al Qaeda and the worst terror attack on US soil, but was also instrumental in implementing an intricate web of operatives in numerous places around the world."

Below are pictures from the opening of the 9/11 memorial in 2014:


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