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Here In Our #TodayWeTried Series, The HuffPost UK Team Try One New Thing A Day

Our Version Of NY Resolutions: What We Tried Today

New Year resolutions are set up to make you fail.

Expecting to make massive life changes overnight and out of guilt is never going to last - and if you think about any of the times you have made significant changes to your life, you'll know it to be true.

Most of us change the way we live because we want a better way of living, not simply because we're unhappy with it. And often, it's a change made in small steps, not big gallumping ones.

Take the person who goes to the gym five times a day. We guarantee they didn't start off that way. They probably tried it once, went a couple more times and now it's an integral part of their lives because they kept going and it makes them feel good.

So in that spirit, the HuffPost UK Lifestyle team won't be making grand, sweeping gestures like giving up alcohol or swearing off bread. Instead, we're going to embrace the season of change and make small, daily adjustments to our lives.

The HuffPost UK Lifestyle team - that's Poorna Bell, editor, Brogan Driscoll, assistant editor, Rachel Moss, editorial assistant and Natasha Hinde, junior editorial assistant - will update it daily, and we'd love to hear your suggestions or attempts at personal change.

HuffPost UK Lifestyle is running a monthly campaign called Say No To January, where we champion positive personal change, and rail against the idea of 'New Year, New You'. This is about celebrating yourself, inspiring you to try new things and figuring out what direction you'd like your life to go in.
