Perez Hilton Says ‘Celebrity Big Brother' Has Been ‘More Painful Than My Father Dying'

Perez Compares 'CBB' 'Trauma' To His Dad's Death

Perez Hilton has shocked his ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ housemates, by stating that his time in the ‘CBB’ house has been more painful than when his father died.

The controversial blogger hasn’t exactly had an easy time on the show, but Kavana and Cami Li were understandably still stunned by his claim, which he made during Sunday night's show.

Perez Hilton

“This has been more painful for me than even my father dying,” he told them. “I expected this to be hard but for me, it's really been traumatic - and I'm not saying this to exaggerate or bullshit.”

Perez, who has evidently forgotten that he can walk out and leave the show at any time, continued complaining, stating that he regrets signing up.

“I'm like, fuck man, almost everybody in this house hates me,” he continued. “And hate is a really powerful energy.

“Feeling that energy constantly in such a close space just destroys me over and over again.

“If I could go back in time and erase all of this then I would. This whole experience has sucked me lower than I have ever been.”


On Friday, Perez received his third official warning, after a heated argument with Calum Best.

During the exchange, Perez told Calum that he would “shove a huge dick up your ass”, and many viewers took to Twitter to discuss the matter, with some suggesting Perez’s words could be seen as a rape threat.

Unsurprisingly, Perez hasn’t been getting along with Katie Hopkins, and in one of their many rows, he tried to lick her face.

Tonight’s show (Monday 2 February), will see the celebs receive letters from home, before a surprise eviction takes place.


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