Considering it's a dating app, Tinder is a very lonely place. It's just you, pitted against the rest of the populace competing for the chance to find that special person.
To try and even the odds a little (and to calm your nerves), 'Double' is an app that takes the same swiping simplicity from Tinder but then combines it with the ability to go on double dates.
You pair up with a friend and then start swiping as a pair, with other pairs then seeing the both of you. If you both manage to pair up then you'll have to chance to organise a date.

Of course the app doesn't cover one crucially important point which is... what if you both like the same person?
At present we can't see a solution that doesn't involve either reasoned discussion, the flipping of a coin or simple battling it out on the night. All of which could end up being very unpleasant.
We'd recommend leaving those matches well alone.