MacBook Falls Out Of Plane And SURVIVES

MacBook Falls Out Of Plane. Survives.

If, like us, you're still reeling from the devastating news that an iPhone 6 will bend when put under a completely unreasonable amount of pressure, then you'll be pleased to know that Apple's products are far sturdier than you might have realised.

A Redditor in South Africa has posted a number of pictures showing his slightly bent -- but fully functioning -- MacBook Air after it had fallen out of his plane.

That's right, his plane. The pilot had been cruising around at 150 knots when the plane's canopy opened and his beloved MacBook fell 1000 feet to what many would understandably predict as its final resting place.

Except it wasn't. Along with the MacBook, the pilot's bag, flying license and log book had also fallen out and were all promptly found by a farmer.

The farmer then tracked the name down over the internet and was able to get in touch with the pilot so he could return the damaged goods. The pilot was astonished to find that although slightly bent, the MacBook Air worked perfectly.

You'll be surprised to hear that upon taking taking it to his nearest Apple store, the pilot was unable to have his laptop exchanged for a new one. Some things just aren't worth a good story it would seem.


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