Katie Hopkins Branded A ‘Vile, Hard-Faced, Talentless Failure' By Nolan Sister

‘A Vile, Hard-Faced, Talentless, Failure'

Another of the Nolans has come out in support of her sisters Coleen and Linda after both found themselves at the receiving end of Katie Hopkins’ gob, branding her a ‘vile, talentless failure’.

Anne Nolan’s attack came after Katie clashed with Coleen Nolan on ‘Loose Women’ over comments she had made about their sister Linda, whilst she was in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house in 2014.

Last January, Katie tweeted about Linda, writing: "Boring old woman! Probably smells of wee. She is revolting. Her knockers are somewhere near her ankles."

Katie Hopkins

When Coleen pointed out that Linda was a breast cancer survivor, Katie remained indignant, responding: “If you put yourself out there on TV you have to expect people won’t like you.”

Now Anne Nolan has slammed Katie for being a 'vile' failure who is 'verbally abusive and cruel'.

“The problem with Ms Hopkins is that although she is obviously desperate for fame and recognition she really has no talent to speak of.

“So, having failed on one reality show, and I am told failed at other things in her life, the only way she was ever going to achieve the fame she obviously craves is by being verbally abusive and cruel without any thought for the people she spouted her vitreous tirades at.

“Making personal comments about people without knowing their circumstances does in my opinion portray a lack of common sense.

“She has spouted her venom at many people including my sister.

“I am not even going to repeat it, but at the very least it was disgusting and for anyone who has had cancer, inhumane.”

Anne (front) pictured with the rest of her Nolan sisters back in the day

Anne goes on to label Katie a hypocrite after accusing the likes of Perez Hilton of being cruel in the ‘CBB’ house.

“In her latest drive for fame in the Big Brother house she had the audacity to criticise someone for being cruel and saying unkind things, so not only is she a hard faced, backstabbing, cruel, excuse for a human being she is also a hypocrite of the worst kind.”

Following her appearance on ‘Loose Women’ on Monday, Katie couldn’t resist having one final dig at Coleen Nolan, with a jibe about the presenter’s weight on Twitter.

“You might enjoy & benefit from #MyFatStory available on iTunes,” she tweeted.


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