The film release of 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' has turned the world into kinky devils, according to the latest Pornhub search statistics.
The site is one of the world's most popular porn peddlers, and new data shows a distinct trend in how our sexual tastes are affected by outside stimuli.
Since the release of the 'Fifty Shades' movie, Pornhub received a huge jump in the number of people searching for BDSM content, in the USA as well as worldwide.
The data also shows the effect this movie has had on women, with the increase being much larger. This is presumably because women are 'Fifty Shades' target demographic.
The free porn giant said in a statement: "Cinema has come to affect our lives and views in real and meaningful ways. For instance, after the release of the film Sideways, Merlot became more difficult to move off of shelves while Pinot Noir enjoyed a 16 per cent spike in sales.
"Deer hunting decreased by nearly half for a few years after Bambi. In the same vein, the recent release of the film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey has been shaking things up over here at Pornhub. Specifically, people are getting freakier in their pornographic preferences and we’ve got the data to prove it."
They also released a more detailed breakdown of the exact terms people were using.
Searches involving the word "chains" were up 20%, uses of the term "dominate" were up 40% and 55% more people were looking for "submission".
The dramatic effect 'Fifty Shades' has had on our porn habits is hardly surprising, as the movie squashed all previous records of box office takings for an 18+ film.