After the penis beaker fiasco, we thought Mumsnet wouldn't get any weirder. But then all sorts of stuff happened. Now they've started chatting about all the weird stuff they've found in teenagers' bedrooms, and it pretty disgusting.
The author of the thread began by telling the forum she had found a Pringle tube full of urine in her son's room. Apparently it was three-quarters full.
Someone else admitted to letting their mum find a forgotten bowl of vomit when they were younger, and another mum found a mouse in a nest of Twix wrappers under her teen's bed.

She failed to mention which flavour Pringles they were
There was also the usual things you'd expect - suspiciously crusty socks, used condoms, used sanitary items, moldy bowls of cereal and other typical teenager things.
But then things got even stranger.
One mum went on to describe the "surprise poos" she would find hidden around her daughter's room in ridiculous places. "My fave was the ones she flung on top of the curtains where the poo plopped down my back when I opened them," she wrote.
Another mother was cleaning out her son's room when she felt something under the bed. Fearlessly investigating, she found a damaged piece of dynamite. Actual dynamite. The boy later took it into a meadow and used it to blow up a tree stump.
Before they started lambasting the press for finding this funny (which it is), the Mumsnetters were having a genuine chat about how to control their children's weird hiding habits and how to discipline them.
One mum said: "If I found urine in bottles they would be shown up on fb immediately."