Katie Hopkins Brands Dementia Sufferers 'Bed Blockers'

Even Katie Hopkins' Fans Think She's Gone Too Far With Her Heartless Comments About Dementia

Professional provocateur Katie Hopkins has earned a stern rebuke from the head of a leading Alzheimer's charity for a series of "disgraceful" remarks about those living with the debilitating disease.

Hopkins had selflessly devoted some of her Easter break to ranting about NHS “bed-blockers” but upped the ante considerably by then defining dementia sufferers as such.

She tweeted: “Dementia sufferers should not be blocking beds. What is the point of life when you no longer know you are living it? Bang me over the head.”

Too far? Katie Hopkins has even upset some of her 'fans'

While Hopkins is infamous for taking delight in outraging and upsetting the public at large, it was clear her comments had crossed a line for even some of her most ardent fans.

“Usually agree with you, but that's a bit too far,” replied Rav. G Kelly asked: “How do you live with yourself?”, while Graham Long responded: “My father has dementia. Would you like to comment about that?”

George McNamara, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Alzheimer's Society, which champions the rights of people living with dementia and the millions of people who care for them, had some terse words for Hopkins.

He said: “These disgraceful remarks only serve to reinforce the stigma that sadly prevents many people with dementia from feeling like valued members of society.

“Ill-informed comments such as these go against all that we know about dementia. People with the condition tell us that with the right support it is entirely possible to live well and take real enjoyment out of daily life.

“The 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK deserve far more than to be used as bait by people stoking controversy.”

On the subject of “bed blocking”, Hopkins had earlier suggested: “A good dose of antibiotic resistant infection would do wonders to clear out hospital wards & the bed blockers who reside there. Bring it on.”

She continued: “The day I am diagnosed with dementia is the day I book my ticket to Dignitas. This country still treats animals more humanely than humans.”

You can donate to the Alzheimer's Society by visiting the website or calling 0845 306 0898. The charity also provides a National Dementia Helpline, the number is 0300 222 11 22.


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