Baby Won't Sleep? This Dad's Tissue Trick Works In 40 Seconds

Baby Won't Sleep? This Dad's Tissue Trick Works In 40 Seconds

When you have a baby who hates sleep, you'll try anything to get them to drift off - lullabies, buying blackout blinds, rocking them back and forth for hours, - but have you ever reached for a tissue?

New dad Nathan Dailo, has found a way to get his three-month-old son Seth to go to sleep in just 40 seconds.

The dad from Sydney, uploaded a video to YouTube demonstrating how gently stroking Seth's face with a soft tissue sends his son from wide awake and restless, to a peaceful slumber.

In the caption for the video Dailo wrote: "Im sure every parent tries new things to put their little one to sleep.

"Watch as my wife and I put our three-month-old baby boy, Seth, to sleep in under a minute using nothing but a piece of tissue paper.

"What's the weirdest method you've used to put your little one to sleep?"

In two and a half weeks the video has been viewed more than 119,000 times, with parents commenting that the tissue trick worked for their babies.

Dailo admitted there was nothing special about the tissue in the video:

"Really, any light touching on your baby's forehead area works too," he commented on YouTube. "It's just funnier with a tissue lol."

Dailo isn't the first parent to try out an unusual technique for getting a baby to sleep.

As On Parenting contributor and new dad Bobby McMahon points out, the tricks you read about in parenting manuals don’t work – because your baby hasn’t read the book.

So what does work? Invite the grandparents round, sit in the most awkward position possible and put on some Velvet Underground. Watch the video below to find out more:
