Just days after Charlotte Church challenged Katie Hopkins to a boxing match, a TV channel have offered up £100K in a bid to make it a reality.
Boxing channel BoxNation has promised they’ll stump up the cash and pay it to the charity of choice of the eventual winner.

Katie Hopkins and Charlotte Church
Charlotte threw down the gauntlet to the UK’s resident rent-a-gob after Katie had a go at the Welsh singer for joining an anti-austerity march in Cardiff in protest at the recent Tory election victory.
The exchange on Twitter went a little something like this…
Church instantly hit back.
One Twitter user then made a prediction...
Jim McMunn, Managing Director of BoxNation, said: "If these two want it to happen in the ring then BoxNation will make it happen.
“We immediately guarantee a purse of £100k for their nominated charities and we look forward to facilitating this showdown.
“Boxing is the ultimate one on one - Twitter and social media becomes a cowardly nonsense. BoxNation will ensure both fighters are ready to step through the ropes and face each other in a reality neither could ever have imagined.”