Teenagers Are Happier Than Their Parents (And Can Teach Them A Few Lessons About Happiness...)

Teenagers Are Actually Happier Than Their Parents (No Joke)

Picture your typical teenager. Are they grumpy, grunting, or genuinely annoyed at their parents?

That's the view we typically have of teens but actually it seems we may have our facts wrong.

A recent study of 3,000 young people has shown that British teenagers gave themselves an average of 6.2 happiness rating out of 10.

In comparison to their parents they're 0.3 happier, as parents averaged at 5.9.

Now we don't know about you, but surely this will come as great news to most parents. No grumpy teens? Wonderful.

British parents ranked family as the key to their happiness in the study published by Coca-Cola to mark their Choose Happiness campaign and nearly half said they wish they could revisit their teenage years.

Parents all said they were "more stressed" than they were in their teenage years.

So if parents were happier as teenagers, then does it follow that their teenage children are the very thing making them more grumpy? And will their happiness increase when those teens leaves home? (Or is that just wishful thinking?)

In the report, Why Generation Z is choosing happiness, teens chose friends and family as being the most important factors contributing towards their happiness, followed by their social life.

Dr Mark Williamson, director of Action for Happiness, said: “Teens are good at living in the moment and appreciating the small everyday things. Their happiness comes less from what they own — and more from their relationships.”

72% of teenagers admitted that happiness is something that is "down to them" to find and know that it's only their choice.

And they're actually doing something about it.

"Appreciating the small moments" and "Having my friends around me" were popular reasons as to why teens felt happier.

But don't come running to us if your grumpy teen won't come out of their room...

Coca-Cola listed things we can learn from teenager's happiness. Parents, take note.

  1. Choose, don't chase happiness.
  2. Experience happiness now, not in the nearly-now.
  3. Keep experiencing your own firsts.
  4. Happiness helps you live life better.
  5. Happiness comes from collaboration not competition.

Aren't they a clever bunch?
