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17 Things That Make Us Moody Brits Instantly Happy

17 Things That Make Us Moody Brits Instantly Happy
Pug dog
Guy Crittenden via Getty Images
Pug dog

Brits can be a tough bunch to crack.

There are often zero smiles, scrutinising looks wherever you go and those who aren't busy frowning are rushing around like they're on a mission to save the planet from an impending alien attack.

The thing is though, we do have our precious moments of pleasure.

And regardless of how small they are, we can all agree that when the following happens, life is bloody great:

It's a rarity, but when it happens it really is glorious. Ain't that right, Leo?

And you're not at work.

And you're tucked up in bed.

Nothing melts our icy hearts like a cat dressed as a lion.

With babies = even better.

Thank you Lord.

Could this day get any better?

*Cancels all weekend plans*


Weird-looking beef for £1 = SOLD. ("I'll take ten of them")

Or, wait for it, you get to skip the line.

Unexpected item in the baggage area, who?


Christmas has come early.

That isn't a bill. Or a dentist appointment. Or a credit card statement...

Who's the daddy?

Helllooooo weekend.
