Next Labour Leader Will Be Tristram Hunt Says Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins Has Made Her Prediction For Labour Leader

After admitting that she has "never been so smug" that she predicted a Conservative victory in the General Election, Katie Hopkins has turned her prophesying to the battle for the Labour leadership.

In a selection which she says looks more like "who looks the most like Tony Blair", her top pick is Tristram Hunt or, as puts it, "Super Tristram".

Apparently women love Tristram Hunt's floppy fringe...

In her column for the Sun, Hopkins said: "He is posh enough to be Tory, has a floppy fringe, which women love, and wears red pants to save the day. It's Super Tristram.

"He has spoken of the need for Labour to attract the John Lewis couple.

"Indeed, Tristram. I am a John Lewis woman and a big fan of the hunt. What are the odds?"

Katie Hopkins has tipped Tristram Hunt for the Labour leadership

She added: "Given I was the only commentator to call the outcome of the election, I am now doing the same for Labour.

"Tristram Hunt will be Labour leader. His magic power is his ability to act exactly like a Tory.

"And he is here to save the day."

Other hopefuls didn't get such kind treatment.

Hopkins said she was "suspicious" of Liz Kendall, adding: "It just isn't very British to say you want to win something.

"You should skulk reluctantly into the spotlight waiting to be asked or flattered into standing."

She described the now former leadership contenderChuka Umunna as the "millionaire playboy, City lawyer-turned-MP who once asked 'is it me or is most of the West End full of trash and C-list wannabes?'"

She added: "He may not be quite what voters up north expect."

But Andy Burnham was the one who really got it in the neck.

Hopkis said of him: "Andy Burnham is essentially the opposite of Chuka - a pitbull to Chuka's weimaraner.

"Andy's Liverpudlian fighting talk comes from a face which looks like it could withstand first degree battery and potentially be improved."


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