‘Big Brother' Contestant Marc Continues To Shock With Sexually Explicit Questions Aimed At Sam

You Won't Believe What Vile Questions BB's Marc Asked A Fellow Housemate

New ‘Big Brother’ contestant Marc O’Neill has continued to cement himself as this year’s most controversial housemate, shocking the rest of the group with his sexually explicit comments.


The science student-turned-stripper left Sam Kay speechless as he asked her a series of vulgar questions in scenes set to air on tonight’s (1 June) show.

Marc has proved to be highly controversial on 'Big Brother'

Marc was having a discussion about sex while in the bathroom with Sam and Cristian MJC, when he began gyrating in the shower, remarking that Sam is “a snake charmer”.

After she asked him to not make those comments “at this time of day”, he continued to make her feel uncomfortable by saying: “Do you know you can burn x amount of calories when you have sex, but only if you’re doing all the work though.

“If you’re just lying there like a bag of spuds it will do nothing for you except make you heavier because you will have all the semen in you.”

“See this face? Not amused,” an unimpressed Sam responded.

But Marc disgustingly replied, “see this face? It will be all over your vagina,” leaving her visibly shocked.

Sam was left disgusted by Marc's questions

Later on, the pair were in the kitchen together when Marc left her open-mouthed once again by asking: “Here is a quick question; do you take it up the a***?”

“I am just going to not answer you when you speak to me like that,” she replied.

Marc’s latest comments follow Jade Lynch’s threats to quit the house after he exposed his genitals to her on Sunday (31 May) night’s show.

The Irish model was left in tears in the Diary Room following the incident, branding Marc “disgusting”.

It was only last week that Aaron Frew was removed from the ‘BB’ house when he repeatedly flashed fellow housemate Joel Williams, despite his protestations for him to stop.

‘Big Brother’ airs tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.


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