‘Doctor Who' Star Jenna Coleman Calls For A Female Time Lord: ‘I Think It's Absolutely Possible'

Jenna Calls For A Female Doctor Who

Jenna Coleman has shared her thoughts on whether there will ever be a female Doctor Who, saying she thinks there's no reason why there won’t be.

Speaking at Comic-Con, Jenna praised the current Time Lord Peter Capaldi, before speculating on who could take over if he left the show.

Jenna Coleman

When quizzed on whether a female actress could take on the part, she replied: "I think it's absolutely possible. There's no reason why not.

"I think Peter Capaldi is doing the most wonderful job so there's not currently a vacancy."

Peter agreed with his co-star, adding that he “absolutely” thinks a female Doctor should, and will, happen.

"I would expect it at any moment. If you turn around right now I might suddenly transform,” he joked.

Jenna and Peter fielded questions from fans and reporters

The cast are currently preparing for the new series, and bosses recently revealed that Ingrid Oliver is returning to the show - and she’ll be bringing the zygons with her.

The next series of ‘Doctor Who’ will be the ninth, and Peter’s second as the Time Lord.

Despite previously planning to leave the drama, Jenna is set to return as the Doctor’s companion Clara Oswald.


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