WhatsApp has issued a flurry of updates to its hugely popular messaging app, including a new ability to mark messages as 'unread' on your home screen.
But despite initial excitement at the new feature -- especially, we assume, amongst all those pesky non-repliers in our contact books -- messages will still show up as having been read on other peoples' phones.
The new feature is limited to the home screen of WhatsApp and acts as a reminder to follow-up messages once they've been read, Android Police reports.
The update is in Beta testing before being released more widely.
Marking a message as 'unread' will make the green highlight symbol reappear, but the double blue tick will continue to be seen on your contacts' phones.
The new updates are currently in beta testing on Android devices in the Americas.
Alongside the mark unread feature, users will be able to mute notifications from a chat for up to a year.
Messages can also be 'pushed' to a phone, prompting attention after 8 hours, a day or a week.
But for those hoping for a bone fide way to get out of reading messages from those they would rather avoid, WhatsApp has yet to provide a solution.