Boy Who Can't Afford Books Begs Postal Worker For Junk Mail To Read, Gets Incredible Response From Kind Strangers

Boy Who Can't Afford Books Begs Postal Worker For Junk Mail To Read, Gets Incredible Response

A boy who read junk mail because he couldn't afford books has been left overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers.

Mathew Flores, 12, approached his local postal worker, Ron Lynch, to ask if he could have any spare junk mail to read.

Baffled by the youngster's response, Lynch asked why he wanted the junk mail. And the 12-year-old's answer pretty much broke his heart.

The postal worker took to Facebook to explain the boy's predicament and asked strangers to send over books for Flores to read. Which, of course, they did.

Mathew Flores, 12, has been inundated with books from kind strangers

"He told me his wish is to have books to read. I told him the library had many, but he said they don't have a car, and couldn't afford the bus."

"Let's get this 12 year old some books," he continued. "Let's help him. I was given many books as a child, and it's time to help someone else! Please share and let's get him tons of reading material!

"Most kids his age want electronics. It's great to see his desire, and you should have seen him beam when I said I could help!

"He's counting on me, so I'm counting on you!"

After his request was published on social media, it went viral and people from across the globe sent hundreds of books to Flores' door.

The delighted 12-year-old now has a bookcase filled with books. He told Salt Lake City's Deseret News that he can't wait to share them with other children, and has promised to read every last one.

Meanwhile, the postal worker who made it all happen has posted a heartfelt status thanking everyone for their support. He wrote: "Friends... I'm stunned and humbled by what happened.

"I deserve little credit. It's all of you who cared enough to do something about it that are the true heroes of this story."

"Mathew is thrilled and we're all overwhelmed," he added. "Bless you all, and thank you all so much!"