Amazing Photographs Of Strange Pregnancy Food Cravings Reimagined Fine Dining-Style With 'Eating For Two' Cookbook

Pregnant Mums' Strange Food Cravings Reimagined In Amazing Fine Dining Photographs

Two people have created the ultimate book for expectant mothers - bizarre yet real-life cravings from pregnant women around the world.

Vicky Jacob-Ebbinghaus and Juarez Rodrigues, who are the brains behind Eating For Two, were inspired by their friend who indulged in Oreos and toothpaste when she was pregnant.

"Out friend used to sneak out of bed at night and eat them secretly while everyone else was sleeping," Jacob-Ebbinghaus told HuffPost UK Parents.

"We thought it was interesting that some rather disgusting things could be incredibly tasty to someone who is pregnant.

"So we decided to photograph them just as the women who crave them must see them – in a really mouth-wateringly delicious way."

Oreos and toothpaste

The online pregnancy cravings cookbook, which is not yet published, was a result of Jacob-Ebbinghaus and Rodrigues interviewing and talking to mums-to-be about what food combinations they were craving.

Jacob-Ebbinghaus continued: "We spent a lot of time researching the project. Juarez is from Brazil and I'm from South Africa.

"We live in Germany and both love to travel, so luckily we were able to talk to a lot of different women from a lot of different countries about their pregnancy cravings."

Creating the masterpieces, Rodrigues took the photos and Jacob-Ebbinghaus wrote the recipes, but they completed the foodstyling and tasting (yes, tasting) together.

On the website, each of the 15 cravings has been reviewed by the pair, as well as giving people a full recipe to try.

Their reaction to Oreos and toothpaste? "Chocolate and mint go really well together. Even when they taste remarkably like Oreos with toothpaste."

Bacon bars mars burger

Jacob-Ebbinghaus answered the question we were all dying to ask - no she isn't pregnant and she doesn't have children, although it has given her a taster of what might come in the future.

She added: "The reaction so far however has been great, very positive.

"A lot of people have asked us where they can buy it.

"Unfortunately it’s not available yet, but we are definitely interested in publishing and are currently looking for a publisher."

So far, the pair have featured 15 recipes on their website and are encouraging other mums or mums-to-be to submit their own suggestions.

Care to add any?
