British Isis Fighter Omar Hussain Complains About Syrians Stealing His Shoes And A Lack Of Queues

British Isis Jihadist In Online Rant About Syrians Stealing His Shoes And Phone Charger

A British jihadist fighting with so-called Isis militants has complained that his Arab comrades steal his shoes, refuse to queue and use his phone charger without permission.

In an online blog which appears to be from 27-year-old Omar Hussain, who featured on BBC's Newsnight last year laughing about beheading his enemies and spoke of his hatred for the UK, the jihadist lists rude qualities exhibited by his “Arab brothers”.

The former Morrisons worker, from High Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire, also complained about others invading his space and staring at him.

Omar Hussain

In the blog, written under the Islamist name Abu Saeed al Britani, the extremist said that Arabs have a “unique culture, which differs dramatically from the western lifestyle”, adding: “It [can] be quite peculiar, annoying, and at times somewhat stressful to interact and associate with them.”

The 6,000-word post covers a range of day-to-day topics, with a series of sub-headers detailing Arabs' “annoying” habits.

Complaining of a lack of privacy, the blogger explains "Arabs go through other people’s property without their permission”.

He continues: “Arabs in general do not know where the red line is in giving another brother his space, and this is in their culture, maybe because they see this as a form of strong brotherhood.

“Whatever the reason it’s annoying so patience is required.”

He also accused Syrians of “childish behaviour”, writing: “Sometimes it may get quite hard to hold a civilised conversation with a Syrian man, one minute he’s listening to you speak and the next he’s playing around with the other Syrian brother standing next to him.

“There is a time for being serious and a time for being childish and joking around. However the line between the two is somewhat hard for our Syrian brothers to judge.”

The issue of people stealing his shoes appears to cause the writer particular angst, as everyone share's each other's footwear “irrespective of foot size”.

He writes: “Someone who is a size 40 will casually walk out the room wearing your footwear even though you are a size 44, and strangely he may not even realise. Weird? Of course it is.”

This is not the first time Hussain has appeared to question life in Isis. In March, it was revealed that the former security guard was shocked that he had to peel potatoes - a job he spent 50 minutes doing, managing just 10 spuds.

He also spoke of having trouble finding a jihadi bride and having difficulty washing his clothes.

Under a heading “the staring competition”, he said: “Syrians love to stare at foreigners, maybe because no tourist has ever visited Syria.”

Although being stared at by children was “no problem”, he said he felt uncomfortable “to have a fully grown man stand a few metres away from you staring at you”.

Other problems facing the jihadist are poor etiquettes when eating, sleeping habits and “lazy” administrative work.

One area that does appear to cause Hussain particular concern is the way in which the locals treat animals.

He recalls times when his comrades threw objects at animals, chased away hungry cats and killed dogs.

He said: “You would also see dead dogs laying in the middle of the road with a bullet wound for a week or so, and hardly anyone will remove it out of the way. Arabs tend to have no mercy for animals except a few among them who love cats.”

British jihadist and bodybuilder Imran Khawaja, was nicknamed “Barbie” and complained of not having moisturiser and toilet paper while in Syria. He has since been jailed for 12 years after trying to slip back into the UK when he attempted to fake his own death.

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