Star Wars Fans Have Epic Lightsaber Battle At Wedding Instead Of First Dance

Star Wars Fans Will Love This Unconventional Wedding Dance

For introverts or those with two left feet, the first wedding dance can be a living hell.

But now, two Star Wars fans have proved that you don't have to prance about to Bruno Mars or slow shuffle to Ed Sheeran to mark the beginning of your marriage.

Oh no, they decided to pull out all the stops and had an epic lightsaber battle instead.

The humorous video was uploaded by YouTube user Joeyblondewolf2. And we have to admit, the force is strong in this pair.

After a lot of lightsaber waving to dramatic music, accompanied by occasional shouts from the audience, the fight comes to an end with no outright winner and a big smooch.

Yoda would be proud.

[H/T Metro]
