Bastian Schweinsteiger Is Suing The Maker Of This Nazi Action Figure Because It Looks Exactly Like Him

Bastian Schweinsteiger Is Suing The Maker Of This Nazi Action Figure For Obvious Reasons
PATRIK STOLLARZ via Getty Images/DiD Corp

German footballer Bastian Schweinsteiger has become embroiled in a legal row with a toy company after it emerged they had been producing Nazi soldier action figures that looks suspiciously like him.

The Manchester United midfielder hopes to stop Hong Kong toy maker DiD Corp from distributing the doll, which he claims bears his likeness.

The company produces the Wehrmacht uniform-wearing doll which they actually call "Bastian". DiD Corp claims the similar appearance and name are completely coincidental.

"We don't sell any figures which resemble footballers. It is a complete coincidence that the figure 'Bastian' looks like Schweinsteiger," DiD spokesperson Patrick Chan told Bild.

"We think that all Germans look like that. Bastian is also a very common name in Germany."

But the excuse wasn't enough for the life-size Schweinsteiger. His management company told Bild they would mount legal action if they can prove his image rights have been violated, and later told MailOnline they had begun proceedings in hopes of stopping the dolls being distributed.

"This is a clear violation of Schweinsteiger’s personality rights" media lawyer Ulrich Amelung said. "To see him as a swastika-bearing Wehrmacht soldier also constitutes a gross defamation and insult."

According to The Mirror, the action figures were intended to hit European shelves for £65 each.


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