Every so often, a fashion invention so hideous makes its way onto the internet and everyone despairs. Today is one of those days.
Like some kind of horrible counterpart to the famous 'vagina dress', there exists a rucksack made to look like a ball bag.
It's called the Scrote 'N' Tote bag and it's actually been designed to look like a set of testicles.

Scrote 'N' Tote designer Daniel Bitton teamed up with prosthetic makeup artist C.J. Goldman, who works on top Hollywood films including X-Men Apocalypse and The Hobbit, to create the abominable bag.
The original rucksack retails for $2,000 (£1,300), and weighs just under 7kg, but Bitton wants to make an affordable version available for $120 (£78.23).
He's now launched an IndieGoGo campaign to help achieve his dream - aiming to raise $33,000 (£21,500) to make at least 5,000 bags.

Apparently the main challenge for is making sure the final product "looks as close to the prototype as possible while being fully functional, spacious, lightweight, and durable."
What a time to be alive.