Paris Attacks: Watch This Father Reassure His Little Boy Love Will Defeat Terror

Paris Attacks: Watch This Father Reassure His Little Boy Love Will Defeat Terror

A moving conversation between a little boy and his father in the wake of the Paris terror attacks has been captured on camera.

The duo were filmed paying their respects at the Bataclan Theatre by Canal+ TV show Le Petit Journal.

The venue was one of six sites targeted in a wave of attacks which saw 129 people lose their lives on Friday.

Little Brandon and his father were visiting the Bataclan Theater in Paris after Friday's massacre

At the scene of a growing memorial of flowers and candles, a reporter is seen asking a little boy if he understands what happened and why.

The child, identified as Brandon, replies: “Yes, because they’re very, very mean. The bad guys aren’t very nice.”

A conversation with his father ensues in which the man reassures his worried son they will not have to move house, insisting “France is our home”. [Full transcript below.]

A doubtful Brandon presses the point that the “bad guys” are equipped with guns and “can shoot at us because they are really, really mean daddy.”

In soothing tones, his father explains the flowers and candles are being laid to “fight against guns”, as Brandon queries they “are here to protect us?”

At this point the reporter rejoins the conversation, asking Brandon: “Do you feel better now?”

“Yes, I am feeling better,” the little boy concedes.

Reporter: “Do you understand what happened? Do you understand why those people did that?”

Brandon: “Yes, because they’re very very very mean. The bad guys aren’t very nice. And we really have to be careful because we have to change houses.

Dad: “Oh no, don’t worry, we don’t have to change homes. France is our home.”

Brandon: "But there are bad guys, Daddy!”

Dad: "Yes, but there are bad guys everywhere.”

Brandon: "They have guns, they can shoot at us because they’re really really mean daddy.”

Dad: "It’s OK, they might have guns, but we have flowers.”

Brandon: "But flowers don’t do anything, they’re for, they’re for… "

Dad: “Of course they do, look, everyone is putting flowers. It’s to fight against guns.”

Brandon: “It’s to protect?”

Dad: “Exactly”

Brandon: “And the candles too?”

Dad: “It’s to remember the people who are gone yesterday."

Brandon: “The flowers and candles are here to protect us?”

Dad: “Yes”

Reporter: "Do you feel better now?”

Brandon: "Yes, I am feeling better.”


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