Website Sends Gift-Wrapped Coal To Bad Friends This Christmas

You Can Now Send Your Bad Friends Gift-Wrapped Coal For Christmas

Has one of your friends been a bit of a let down this year? Well now you can let them know by sending them a lump of coal in the post.

Startup company Send Coal is selling gift-wrapped coal delivered straight to your mate's door - just in time for Christmas.

"Put someone on the naughty list this year and send them a gift to match. The perfect piece of holiday cheer for your annoying boss, shit mates, lazy co-workers, ungrateful kids and racist uncles," the site reads.

The company is based in Australia but don't panic, you can contact them for quotes on oversees orders for all your lousy acquaintances here in the UK.

Send Coal is the brainchild of Regan Kerr and Luke Szalla.

They were inspired by the website Ship Your Enemies Glitter, which promises to send enemies "so much glitter in an envelope that they'll be finding that shit everywhere for weeks".

Speaking to Mashable Australia, Kerr said the concept of gift-wrapped coal has proven popular since they launched the site on Monday.

"We managed to find someone in Sydney who sells coal to people for hobbies and now we're getting a lot of orders," he said.

"We'll be shipping the first batch later this week. We've had a look at guidelines from Australia Post and we don't think we're doing anything wrong, it's only a very small amount."
