Arsenal Fan Tricks Wife Into Naming Baby After Football Club

Arsenal Fan Tricks Wife Into Naming Baby After Football Club
Little baby boy, lying naked on her back on woolen fleece; holding big soccer ball, on white background
maros_bauer via Getty Images
Little baby boy, lying naked on her back on woolen fleece; holding big soccer ball, on white background

When a mum-to-be's partner suggested they name their baby Lanesra she was tickled pink with his unusual baby name suggestion.

Little did she realise it was all part of a ploy to get her to agree to name their daughter after his favourite football club - Arsenal.

It wasn't until Lanesra was two years old, that Clare Smith, from New South Wales, Australia, found out the truth.

Smith wrote to a magazine to share her discovery that her daughter's "unique and romantic" name was in fact an homage to her dad's favourite team, and a reader shared the story on Reddit.
