'Celebrity Big Brother': Stephanie Davis Reprimanded By Producers, After Threatening To 'Punch Gemma Collins In The Face'

'CBB' Stephanie Reprimanded Over Gemma Collins Rant

Stephanie Davis has been reprimanded by ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ producers, after threatening to punch Gemma Collins in the face.


In Sunday night’s show, Stephanie was separated from the rest of the housemates by Big Brother, after getting involved in a massive row with The GC, where she branded the former ‘TOWIE’ star “talentless”, a “diva” and a “monster”.

Fuming alone in the diary room, Stephanie ranted: “If you let me back in that house I’m gonna end up doing something I regret. Either if that’s punching Gemma Collins in the face which she deserves…

Gemma told Stephanie exactly what she thought of her during their row

“She’s a fucking diva.... big lion-headed c**t who’s an absolute knob and people that do like her need to give their head a wobble because she’s disgusting.”

Stephanie Davis

Stephanie ended up spending the night alone, in a separate bedroom from the rest of the housemates, where she was seen screaming at producers to let her out, and has since been given a telling off for her rant.

A ‘CBB’ spokesperson has confirmed to The Mirror: “Big Brother has reprimanded Stephanie for her behaviour.”

Stephanie isn’t the first of this year’s housemate to be told off over their unacceptable behaviour, though, with Megan McKenna receiving an official warning from Big Brother over a furious rant last week, which later sparked a racism row when she branded Tiffany Pollard a “ghetto c**t”.

Earlier in the series, Big Brother also warned Winston McKenzie about his behavior towards the female housemates, after Nancy Dell’Olio complained that he was making her feel “uncomfortable”.


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