'The Undateables': Bethany, Who Has Down's Syndrome, On The Pressures Of Finding Love

Bethany From 'The Undateables' On The Pressures Of Finding Mr Right

A woman with Down's syndrome has opened up on the trials and tribulations of finding love.

The 20-year-old, who appears on Channel 4's 'The Undateables' on 18 January, has spoken about her quest for love and her hopes of finding a man who tells her she's "beautiful".

The aspiring singer said that - despite meeting lots of boys at her local theatre group - she has never had a boyfriend, which she puts down to her condition.

But that doesn't mean she's going to stop her search for 'The One' anytime soon.

Down's syndrome is a genetic condition that typically causes some level of learning disability and distinct physical characteristics.

According to the NHS, roughly 775 babies are born with the condition each year in England and Wales.

Bethany firmly believes she will find love: "I want to find a man, I would hold his hand and tell him that I would love him forever and ever. But you have to get the right person first."

Bethany hopes to find a guy who will tell her she's "beautiful", because nobody has ever said that to her before.

Talking about her ideal date on the show, she said: "We would go to the beach at night and watch the sunset go down."

"When I think of love it makes my stomach tickle," she added.

The 20-year-old from Leicestershire said it has been particularly difficult to watch her single friends at theatre group pair off with boys.

"When I see my friends with their boyfriends, I think 'yeah, I want that'," she explained. "I feel left out because I don't have one."

She said that it makes her feel "angry and jealous" when she sees her friends in relationships, because it's something she so desperately wants.

Bethany also revealed that she is starting to feel a lot of pressure, particularly as she's never been on a date before.

"When I see a boy, I get butterflies in my stomach," she explained. "I get all jumpy... because I've never been in love before."

Her mum Bekki said that her daughter is "everyone’s mate" but she doesn’t want to be "just the mate".

"I see the longing inside of her to have that connection with someone," said Bekki. "She wants the whole lot and why shouldn’t she?"

The aspiring singer is set to meet 21-year-old Bradley on tonight's show.

Her younger brother Isaac said he's massively routing for his sister to find love.

After being asked whether he thinks there's someone special out there for his sister, he replied: "Yes someone who is very caring and who has a good personality. And I hope that whoever is out there that can be with Beth, will care for her."

Bethany's mum added that seeing her daughter in love "would mean the absolute world".

"I’m sure when it happens it will be the most amazing experience for her," she added.
