'Celebrity Big Brother': 'Did Tiffany Pollard Just Masturbate In The Toilet?' Viewers Left Shocked By Bathroom Antics

'CBB' Tiffany Shocks Viewers With Raunchy Toilet Antics

Celebrity Big Brother’ housemate Tiffany Pollard left viewers not knowing where to look on Monday (25 January) night’s show, after disappearing into the toilet for what seemed to be some “alone time”.


Although it’s unknown exactly what the US reality star got up to in there, given that there are no cameras in the loos, Tiffany could be heard saying how sexually frustrated she was.

Tiffany Pollard's antics raised eyebrows

Having downed a bottle of of prosecco, she seemed to have let go of her inhibitions when she said: "Oh my gosh I haven't come in like 30 days, wait how long? Oh wait, I did do it in the hotel room."

After the camera cut away to show action in a different part of the house, viewers then saw Tiffany come back into the bathroom with a rather satisfied look on her face.

Tiffany was feeling sexually frustrated

She returned from the toilet looking rather happy

Many fans took to Twitter to speculate about what she had been up to.

However, Tiffany’s raunchy antics didn’t end there.

She later snogged both Scotty T and Jeremy McConnell Cooke during a game of Truth Or Dare.

Tiffany snogged both Scotty and Jeremy

After the boys both then jumped in the pool and began flashing their bums to her, she followed Scotty into the shower to oggle his body.

Clearly not shy about receiving attention from Tiffany, the ‘Geordie Shore’ was only too happy to show her his appendage.

"It's so big! That would blow my back out,” she commented.

Tiffany oggled Scotty T in the shower

And while viewers may have found the evening’s antics hilarious, one person who certainly didn’t was Stephanie Davis.

After giving him the cold shoulder, she soon cracked and said to him: “You can do what you like. I’m nothing to you, am I..?”

He hit back, pointing out her hypocrisy, given that she has a boyfriend on the outside.

“You’re allowed to play me like a fool when you have a boyfriend, and I’m not allowed to have a game with the lads?! One rule for you and one rule for me. It’s just ridiculous,” he said.

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.


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