A toddler managed to make people's tedious supermarket shop a bit more entertaining with a simple happiness trick.
In a bid to make everyone smile, 16-month-old Joey wandered throughout the aisles waving and engaging with strangers while a guardian closely followed behind her.
And of course, the majority of people couldn't resist giving the young girl a smile and wave back.

Joey's wave brings smiles to shoppers
When one woman gave an enthusiastic wave to Joey and started engaging in conversation, the toddler decided to treat her to something even better.
She stretched out her arms in front of her and offered a hug to the woman, not letting go for a solid 15 seconds.
The video, which was shared on Love What Matters Facebook page, has unsurprisingly been incredibly popular, getting nearly 33 million views in two days.
"This is Joey. She is 16-months-old and she spreads joy wherever she goes," the caption read.

People commenting were encouraged to follow in the toddler's footsteps and smile more at strangers.
"I love how long that last hug lasted. I bet that woman's heart overflowed with happiness," a woman wrote. "What a blessing this little girl is.
"I just love this. I'm going to say hi and give more smiles when I'm out more."
Another person commented: "What a beautiful example of what we were made for. There isn't a drop of hate in this baby's heart.
"She's just there, ready to love you and give you a little piece of joy. We are all doing it wrong. Joey has it exactly right, love her."
After the video began being shared across social media, Joey's mum - Caitlin Baum - commented to say how overwhelmed she was with the kind words being said about her daughter.
"Wow. That is all I can say! Joey is my daughter," she wrote.
"I never imagined this video would get the kind of response that it has. I am so happy that she has been able to move so many people.
"In my eyes, she was a shining light that day, bringing joy to everyone she encountered. In our family, we teach our kids to love and that there is enough room in their hearts to love everyone.
"There is way too much hate and negativity in the world today. Every little bit of happiness you can spread, the better. Who knows whose life you may touch.
"The reactions from this video says it all. Joey is so full of love and joy. And those people she came into contact with?
"Maybe their day got just a little bit better."