Not Many Turn Up To Support Zuma At SCA

No yellow ANC T-shirts or placard-wielding supporters outside court.

An hour before the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) is set to hear arguments for President Jacob Zuma's leave to appeal 783 charges set against him, the court and the streets around it resemble an average Bloemfontein day.

Outside the court, half a dozen broadcasting vans have lined the street and journalists have taken their seats in the courtyard outside the A-court where the case is set to be heard.

There are no Zuma supporters lining the fences, no yellow T-shirts and no placards with the infamous slogan, "hands off our president".

Besides the odd police car slowly rolling past, there is little to no police visibility in the area.

Court officials and legal representatives have also yet to arrive for the case that is set to start at 10am.

But the DA's federal executive chairperson, James Selfe, arrived early to greet journalists in the courtyard.

Speaking to the HuffPost SA, Selfe said if and when the court finds that Zuma's charges should be reinstated, then the president "is an accused person".

"He needs to be served with an indictment and he needs to go to court to answer those charges... The role of our courts is to decide on legality and rationality," Selfe said.

"It has decided that dropping the charges was irrational and therefore illegal. As far as I am concerned, they can go argue it again but it has been settled in other courts."

The SCA will hear arguments in the matter of the 783 charges of corruption, fraud, racketeering and money laundering against Zuma.

In 2016, the North Gauteng High Court found the decision to drop charges against the president was illegal and irrational. The court set the decision aside, effectively reinstating the charges.

Zuma sought leave to appeal, but it was refused. It is the leave to appeal, and if granted, the appeal itself, that the court will hear on Thursday and Friday.


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