Alec Baldwin's Worried He's Making Trump 'Too Funny' And 'Cuddly'

Is the "SNL" guest actor normalising the U.S. president?

Is Alec Baldwin unknowingly tousling Donald Trump’s hair every week? The actor seems to have some concerns.

After Jimmy Fallon played with Trump’s hair on “The Tonight Show,” he was accused of “normalizing” the then-presidential candidate and his divisive campaign speech. On Tuesday, Baldwin expressed his own concern that he was making Trump a little too likable with his “SNL” impression on his “Here’s The Thing with Alec Baldwin” podcast.

While chatting with Senator Bernie Sanders, Baldwin brought up Larry David’s “SNL” impression of the senator. (“He did it better than me,” joked Sanders.) The actor was enthusiastic about David’s performance, but on his own impression of Trump, he said, “I did the Trump thing, and the crazy schtick that they’ve had me do, which has been not a lot of fun, I must say, having to channel Trump.”

Baldwin questioned the senator on his thoughts of the impression, wondering if “this kind of mockery” isn’t “helping.”

“In terms of Trump, do you think that we’re kind of making him a little too cuddly and a little too funny, and we’re taking people’s mind off something really more serious?” asked Baldwin.

Sanders didn’t necessarily agree, replying, “I think what we have to focus on on Trump is what he is doing.”

Audience response to the “SNL” Trump impression has been enormous, with Baldwin taking home an Emmy for his performances on the show earlier this year. But if he isn’t enjoying the character, it doesn’t bode well for him carrying on with it.

Before Baldwin announced he was bringing his impression back for sure on “SNL,” he told HuffPost he may have interest in other projects moving forward.

“Next year, I doubt I’m going to fly back from Rome, wherever I’m shooting. I’m not quite sure I’m going to fly back from Rome to do ‘SNL,’” he said at the time.

To all those yuuuge fans of Baldwin’s Trump: enjoy it while it lasts.