Letter To Santa Templates: 16 Free Printable Letters For Kids To Send To Father Christmas

If you actually want to send a letter off to Santa, you must do so by the 6 December to guarantee a response.

If your child is yet to write their letter to Santa this year, these templates will make the process a whole lot easier.

The printable designs include letters for younger children who can draw or trace the word ‘Santa’, and those for older kids with more space to write their lists.

Some of the templates also give children the option to tell Father Christmas a little bit about themselves and draw their own self-portrait.

It’s a nice festive activity to get your children excited about the magic of Christmas.

But remember, if you actually want to sent your letter off to Santa, you must do so by the 6 December to guarantee a response.

Each year, 800,000 letters are sent by children in the UK to Royal Mail’s special address: “Santa/Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland XM4 5HQ”. They are then answered by Santa, but only if the letters are sent off in time. So go on, get scribbling.
