'How Would You Test A Toaster?' Interviewer Asked Candidate

...and other weird questions Apple has asked its job hopefuls.
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Job interview questions can be pretty monotonous –– unless you're trying for a job at a company like Apple.

Business Insider recently released a list of questions the tech giant has asked some of its hopeful candidates. It's a mix of technical, weird and downright confusing questions.

Here are our top 11 picks:

1. "What brings you here today?" -- software engineer candidate

2. "How many children are born every day?" -- global supply manager candidate

3. "A man calls in and has an older computer that is essentially a brick. What do you do?" -- Apple Care-At-Home consultant candidate

4. "You put a glass of water on a record turntable and begin slowly increasing the speed. What happens first — does the glass slide off, tip over, or does the water splash out?" -- mechanical engineer candidate

5. "How would you test a toaster?" -- software QA engineer candidate

6. "If we hired you, what do you want to work on?" -- senior software engineer candidate

7. "Scenario: You're dealing with an angry customer who was waiting for help for the past 20 minutes and is causing a commotion. She claims that she'll just walk over to Best Buy or the Microsoft Store to get the computer she wants. Resolve this issue." -- specialist candidate

8. "Explain to an 8-year-old what a modem/router is and its functions." -- At-Home advisor candidate

9. "Who is your best friend?" -- family room specialist candidate

10. "There are three boxes, one contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges. The boxes have been incorrectly labeled such that no label identifies the actual contents of the box it labels. Opening just one box, and without looking in the box, you take out one piece of fruit. By looking at the fruit, how can you immediately label all of the boxes correctly?" -- software QA engineer candidate

11. "Are you smart?" -- build engineer candidate


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