10 Living Room Mistakes And How To Fix Them

How To Fix These Common Living Room Decor Mistakes
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Your living room is the focal point of your home and needs to be designed with comfort and practicality in mind - it's the place where you might entertain friends one night and then spend the following morning chasing around the kids as they launch themselves off the couch. It needs to be cosy and comfortable, stylish and inviting, practical and polished. Does that sound hard to pull off to you?

All of these factors mean that decorating your living room can be tricky: it’s the space where you want to showcase family portraits and favourite canvases, but it also houses your telly. It’s the room where you’ll spend the most time relaxing, so comfort is key, but the living room also has to be well-organised and tidy for when guests arrive (time to hide the Xbox).

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Most importantly, your living room should reflect your taste and style, whether that's dramatic Baroque, monochrome minimalism or rustic and quaint... If it’s not a representation of the things you enjoy, you'll never be able to relax in there.

How you choose to decorate your living room, from the colours you use to the way the furniture is laid out (even your cushions and lighting design choices!) all play a role in creating the perfect setting. Done wrong, bad decorating can turn the living room into a space that just feels a bit awkward, cluttered or chaotic.

Here are 10 living room mistakes people often make when decorating and easy tips and tricks on how to fix them.