15-Day-Old Baby Rescued From Haiti Rubble One Week After Quake

15-Day-Old Baby Rescued From Haiti Rubble One Week After Quake

Baby Elizabeth's rescue is being hailed as a 'miracle' after nobody believed the infant, just eight days old when the earthquake struck, could possibly have still been alive.

Rescuers found the child on the bed where she had been napping when the disaster occurred.

Although the bed had fallen through to the ground floor, Elisabeth was uninjured and was swiftly returned to her mother, Michelene Joassaint, 22.

Ms Joassaint had been forced to flee the crumbling building without her daughter.

Describing how she reacted on hearing news of the rescue she said, 'I cried and then ran to the baby,' adding, 'It was the mercy of God.'

The story has given fresh hope to the search and rescue effort in the devastated country.

According to Sir John Holmes, from the United Nations, more people have been found alive in the rubble, than would have been expected,

'The search and rescue has been a fantastic success this time,' said Sir John, 'They've pulled out more people than is normally the case.'

This heart-warming story comes just days after an Australian news team pulled an 18-month-old baby from the ruins.

See footage of another dramatic rescue as baby Winnie is saved by a TV crew.

With over 90 people pulled from the rubble by international rescue teams, there have been some incredible stories, but surely none as dramatic as the little girl who spent nearly half her life without food or water amid the ruins, waiting to be returned to her overjoyed family.

'This wasn't the way Jesus wanted the baby to die," said Michelet Joassaint, the baby's grandfather. "Everybody knew the baby was dead, except the Lord.'