15 Minute Fat-Busters

15 Minute Fat-Busters

There are many ways to keep the dreaded spare tyre at bay - and not all of them involve visiting the gym as these 15 minute fat-busters prove...


Burn fat without going to the gym

Running is one of the greatest forms of exercise known to spare tyres. In just 15 minutes, you could burn off around 130 calories at just a moderate pace. And the best news? It's free - and you can do it practically anytime, anywhere!

Burn fat without going to the gym

Walking – sadly, an underestimated little fitness gem. A brisk 15 minute walk can burn around 80 calories and you can squeeze it in your way to work, during your lunch break, or being out and about with the kids – unfortunately, there's really no excuse not to!

Burn fat without going to the gym

How about mixing it up a bit? Interval training is high on the fat burning list. Try spending five minutes running, followed by five minutes of power walking, followed by one final, five minute push to the finish and you would have given yourself hearty, fat burning workout.

Burn fat without going to the gym

Fortunately, we can all burn fat without even realising it and that most unhealthy of indulgences – the car – can actually turn out to be a literal life saver! A vigorous, 15 minute handwash will burn over 70 calories and will work the arms, shoulders and legs very nicely indeed.

Burn fat without going to the gym

Get in touch with your inner child and join in with the kids at rough and tumble playtime. Not only will they think this is the funniest thing they have ever seen, you will also burn around 70 calories in just 15 minutes of frolicking fun. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Burn fat without going to the gym

How about grabbing a hold of the kids' skipping rope? Unbelievable though it sounds, skipping burns a colossal 170 calories in just 15 minutes! It also provides a phenomenal cardiovascular workout, improves your stamina and tones the body. A bouncy little burner.

Burn fat without going to the gym

The great British summertime brings us strawberries, tennis, butterflies...and a garden lawn that needs mowing every weekend. Turn this into your advantage though – a 15 minute mow burns up 80 calories, will tone your arms and give your legs a jolly good stretch!

Burn fat without going to the gym

If a lazy summer afternoon on the river sounds like an indulgence, think again – there are few sports that can provide a total body workout and rowing is one of them. Rowing a boat for 15 minutes will burn a considerable 100 calories as it works every major muscle in your body.

Burn fat without going to the gym

If you're in the process of turning your humble abode into a palatial mansion, here's the good news – a mere 15 minutes of scraping, painting, papering and plastering will give you a total body workout as well as burning around 80 calories. Perfection!

Burn fat without going to the gym

...we all know that a little fun between the sheets is a good fat burner - but as we're British we won't talk about it too loudly. A 15 minute tryst with the lover of your dreams will get the heart racing, the lungs working and will provide a workout from top to toe.

Burn fat without going to the gym